Get to know the pilots

Get to know the Smart Kalasatama pilots.

Kalasatama Wellbeing

During the year 2018, The Kalasatama Wellbeing piloting programme developed digital solutions that support wellbeing and health in collaboration with citizens, the Kalasatama Health and Wellbeing Centre and business partners.  Five digital services were selected to participate in agile piloting sprints, which focusing on nutrition and wellbeing, with pilots falling in the latter category focusing particularly on stress management.


Meallogger is an image-based platform that coaches users in food choices, using an AI that analyzes the users’ meals. Users take pictures of their meals and receive nutrition advice from a proprietary neural network and a dietitian, as well as obtaining peer support from other group members.





Miils is a digital shopping tool that puts together tailored grocery bags from organic foods on the basis of the users’ personal preferences. The bags come with healthy recipes and reports of the carbon footprint of the contents.




Auntie, a provider of life crisis solutions and virtual psychological support, has produced a chatbot that gives anonymous users feedback with the help of an AI and directs them to appropriate self-help services.



 Mello VR

Mello VR alleviates stress and anxiety through virtual escape by taking people to “happy places” in the midst of stressful situations with the help of relaxing videos and virtual reality headsets.




Moodmetric provides real-time stress level measurement with a smart ring. The ring observes electrodermal activity to measure the user’s sympathetic nervous system responses.


Smart&Clean: Climate positive experiments



The Natural Step Helsinki creates climate smart practices and incentives by combining real-time carbon footprint data, everyday choices and sharing economy opportunities.




Outdoor green walls are used to control storm water and to increase biodiversity while providing greenness to urban blocks.




Elwedo – revenue from the grid

The Finnish startup Elwedo conducts an experiment based on the solar-power generation technology installed in Kalasatama residential buildings. Elwedo’s solution allows buildings to feed their excessive solar power to the grid and distributes the revenue among the residents.



Parkkisähkö: The Smart Minigrid experiment

The Smart Minigrid experiment upgrades electrical outlets for car block heaters into smart electric car charging stations remote-operated by smartphones. Smart Minigrid stations can use locally generated solar power. Video. 





Witrafi: Rentapark is a parking-space sharing-economy service that takes away the trouble of finding parking in the city by putting available spaces into productive use. A digital app allows drivers to book a space and pay for it in advance. There is no more driving around looking for a space. Traffic in the city is reduced by 30% and CO2 emissions by 10%.



Wellbeing with innovative local services

Several pilot rounds has been conducted with the City’s Social Services and Health Care Division. The following two experiments were funded by the Smart Kalasatama project:

Picture: Kalle Kataila

Picture: Kalle Kataia

Peer fitness service for seniors

KuntoKaverit aims to increase physical activity, exercise and participation of elderly by combining peer coaching and technology. In Kalasatama, the piloting starts with recruiting the peer coaches. Coaching is supported by a digital tool by Movendos. >> Read more





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Digital services for wellbeing and happier life

Auntie provides easy access digital tools for mental support in different life crisis. Auntie Solutions aims to revent serious mental problems by easy access tools and help to tackle most common life crisis. In Kalasatama, Auntie experiments with different service packages for gaining understanding on user experience and the effectivity of different digital channels. >> Read more



Climate street

Picture: Rodeo

Picture: Rodeo

Agile piloting goes Climate Street

In the fall 2016, the Programme of Agile Piloting is replicated on Climate Street. The aim of the Climate Street project is to create the city of the future that is low carbon and adapted to climate change in the already built urban environments in Iso Roobertinkatu. The agile pilots, Sustainable Meal, Resource Efficient Existing Buildings and Zero Food Waste, concentrate on sustainable solutions and resource-wise use of energy.



Communality and resource-wise solutions


Reducing food waste

Foller reduces food waste with automated real-time pricing and communication. In the spring 2016, the Foller application was experimented with households in Kalasatama. Foller reminded about products reaching their expiry date, encouraged to use expiring food and helped the users to share extra food in Facebook.>> Read more



Picture: Linda Manner

Picture: Linda Manner

Social media for neighbourhoods

Nifty Neighbor is a map and location based social web service. In Kalasatama, Nifty Neighbour explored how the service can help residents of Kalasatama to generate and test ideas to improve the neighbourhood and to enable initiatives by crowdfunding ( >> Read more





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Smart trash bins and waste data

Smart trash bins and waste logistics were tested with housing companies in Kalasatama. Sensors in trash bins were used to collect data on waste flows and levels. A mobile feedback service for the residents using RFID tags was also tested. >> Read more



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Different mobility services into one application

In Kalasatama, Tuup was looking into how to impact mobility choices of residents and increase the use of shared vehicles. A group of Kalasatama’s residents took part in the experiment. The pilot focused on the user experience and collaboration with partners of rental and shared cars and cargo transport services. >> Read more


More information

Kaisa Spilling
Forum Virium Helsinki
+358 40 7448831

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