Making it smart and sustainable: Kalasatama district workshop in Helsinki

What shall be the next steps in Kalasatama distric to make it even smarter and more sustainable? Read a report of what 40 European sustainability and smart city experts and Smart Kalasatama developers propose. The report summarizes the outcomes of a workshop organized together with EIT Climate KIC and Smart Kalasatama team. Kalasatama is part of EIT Climate-KIC Smart and sustainable districts network. The workshop organized together with EIT Climate KIC and Smart Kalasatama team had participants from well-known European Universities, city planning and sustainability officers in Helsinki, industries and SMEs. Kalasatama has the One more hour a day vision,>>>

Junction 2016: Come to hack Kalasatama’s data!

Junction is Europe’s leading hackathon and a converging point for developers, designers, and entrepreneurs from across the world. Held on November 25-27 in Helsinki, the city of Helsinki and the Six City Strategy cast out three challenges around Healthtech, Intelligent buildings and Future mobility for Junction participants. Smart Kalasatama offers data for one of this year’s tracks. Held as 48 hour hackathon, Junction 2016 brings together over a thousand developers, designers, and entrepreneurs from over 40 countries to turn their ideas into products and services. Here no idea is too crazy, and thinking outside the box is encouraged. View the>>>

Barcelona Smart City Expo 2016

Picture: Smart City Expo Barcelona Smart City Congress November 15–17, 2016 will bring together over 400 global influencers and innovators to share knowledge, debate the challenges faced by our cities, encourage out of the box thinking and inspire a worldwide call for action in order to develop smarter and more sustainable cities. The 2016 edition of Smart City Expo World Congress will have a special focus on citizens and the different initiatives being played out worldwide to empower people living in metropolises and make these places more human‑centered.Concepts such as commons strategy, circular economy and ethical use of big data will>>>

Smart Kalasatama data explored in MyData conference

When: 31st August–2nd September 2016 Where: Helsinki Hall of Culture / Kulttuuritalo MyData 2016 is an international conference that focuses on human centric personal information management. MyData is an initiative to help people gain more control over their personal data. The conference brings together an international crowd of 1000 people from businesses, research community, civil society and government to shape the fundamentals on how personal data is managed globally. In Kalasatama district, the most exact real-time energy and waste data is already produced. Now, in the MyData2016 conference, some subsets of the data are available for the first time available for expert>>>

Workshop: Agile piloting to accelerate urban service development

Place: Montreal, Canada Date: 23.-26.08.2016 Time: 09:00 – 18:00 OpenLivingLab Days is the annual summit of the worldwide Living Lab community, formally the ENoLL Summer School. The annual four-day event includes interactive sessions, workshops, lively discussion panels with excursions and off-site visits with the aim of giving the participants a wider insight about models, theories and technologies related to Living Labs. Participants have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience from the leading experts on the subject and to network with other Living Lab enthusiasts. We will welcome the 10th Wave of new ENoLL members to the network and hold a>>>