Opening up underused spaces for residents

What would be the best way to make underused spaces available for use for the residents? Do we need new trials or competitions to find new ideas, or would increasing cooperation between residents, service providers and property developers help solve the issue? Architects, city planners and property developers together with service providers sought answers to these questions in a workshop held in September. As part of the Flexi Spaces project (Joustotilat in Finnish), a new model for flexible and transparent usage of spaces is being developed and trialled. Forum Virium Helsinki invited property developers, city planners and architects to a>>>

Helsinki Smart City evolves with climate positive pilots

Agile piloting accelerates development of resource-efficient urban lifestyles in Kalasatama smart district The Smart Kalasatama project underway in a new Helsinki inner-city district proceeds with agile piloting: five climate positive pilots focus on smart city parking and electric car charging, resident-generated solar power, urban green solutions, and the carbon footprint of households. The Kalasatama district is under construction at the site of a former commercial harbor. The City of Helsinki has designated the district as a platform for smart city development, Smart Kalasatama, involving new digital services to ease the lives of residents. One of the goals and benchmarks of>>>