Insights from Nordic cities: Healthy Liveable Neighbourhoods webinar

How to provide data and tools to support urban planning to include the perspectives of foodscapes & green infra? How to make cities more liveable, resilient and healthy, as neighbourhoods “edible” and inclusive?

The Nordic Smart City Network is seeking answers to these questions in the Healthy Liveable Neighbourhoods project. Join the kickoff webinar to learn about the project and previous cases regarding green infrastructure and foodscapes in Nordic cities. Register here!

Time: 5th of November 1PM – 3PM (EET)

Place: Webinar. The access link will be sent at later date to the registered.



Welcome: Introduction to Healthy Liveable Neighbourhoods
Kaisa Spilling, Forum Virium Helsinki

Growing Green Infra to Cities with Co-Creation
Maija Bergström, Forum Virium Helsinki & Heidi Tuhkanen, SEI Tallinn

6Aika: CircularHoodFood project
Henri Laine, City of Vantaa

Insights from Foodscape Related Initiatives in the Stavanger region
Kristin Kverneland & Kristin Fjeld-Eiken, City of Stavanger

Green and Edible  – Experiences from Kristiansand, Norway
Glenn O. Austegard, City of Kristiansand

Impact Farm: The evolution of a community building urban greenhouse
Magnus Egelund Thomsen, City of Copenhagen

Register for the webinar here!

The nordic collaboration project Healthy Liveable Neighbourhoods focuses on more “edible”, green and inclusive neighbourhoods. The project explores the elements of liveable healthy neighbourhoods from the perspectives green infra and foodscapes to support the wellbeing, activity and inclusivity of residents. Healthy liveable neighbourhoods -project is part of the Nordic Innovations’ Health program, “Health, Demography and Quality of Life”.

Forum Virium Helsinki acts as a lead in the project and the participating cities are Vantaa, Stavanger, Copenhagen, Kristiansand. The project is funded by the Nordic Innovation.

Follow The Nordic Smart City Network in Twitter or read more about the Nordic Healthy Cities-projects here.

Photo: Helsinki Marketing

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