The next steps in Smart Kalasatama district

  What shall be the next steps in Smart Kalasatama district to make it even smarter and more sustainable? Read a report of what 40 European sustainability and smart city experts and Smart Kalasatama developers propose. The report summarizes the outcomes of a workshop organized together with EIT Climate KIC and Smart Kalasatama team. Kalasatama is part of EIT Climate-KIC Smart and sustainable districts network. Helsinki District Challenge – SSD report

Flexispace service model and how to apply it on temporary use

A smarter way to offer, book and use spaces is being developed and tested in Kalasatama, Helsinki. A big trend for smart cities is sharing economy, that covers different spaces: private, residential and public. Here we take a look at how this Flexispace model could be applied to temporary use (TU). Smart city development is also about opening the spaces. Flexispace project develops an ecosystem for space sharing, bringing together booking services, IoT technologies and flexible parking. At the same time, REFILL projects are searching new ways for making better use of empty buildings and spaces. How could Flexispace model>>>

Five climate positive experiments kick-off in Kalasatama

Smart Kalasatama’s agile piloting programme´s third round attracted 34 climate positive candidates for pilots. For this spring we have chosen 5 individual pilots, which are experimenting on the areas of green solutions, electric cars, parking, solar power and reducing carbon footprint within households. The experiments are launched soon as possible during spring time in Helsinki Kalasatama region. ”We received lot of interesting and competent offers on this round. Many of them fitted perfectly to Smart Kalasatama’s strategy. The chosen experiments will nicely build on top of the existing smart solution in Kalasatama. All the candidates took seriously the climate aspect>>>

Towards closer co-operation between Nordic Sustainable City Labs

On the 27 January 2017, Smart Kalasatama participated the pitching session of the Nordic Ideation Day. The event brought altogether 22 project ideas competing for Nordic Climate-KIC funding for their innovative ideas. For Smart Kalasatama and its partner network the day was a success, leading into grant of 15.000€ for the Nordic Network of Sustainable City Labs. The grant is used for preparing demonstrator proposal. The new project seeks to laying   foundations for public-private partnership on a cross-Nordic level for cutting-edge climate and urban innovations. The objective is to identify and apply new and viable business models for sustainable>>>

How Agile Pilots help developing urban services – KuntoKaverit and Auntie brought wellbeing for Kalasatama

During fall 2016 Smart Kalasatama’s agile pilots developed new smart local services for citizens with the residents in Kalasatama. The Programme for Agile Piloting helps to accelerate new concepts into service innovations and new business. The first round of pilots ran during spring 2016. The second round of agile pilots focused on innovative local wellbeing services and was run in collaboration with the City of Helsinki Department of Social Services and Healthcare. The collaboration is especially relevant for the development of the services in the district of Kalasatama, as the new wellbeing and healthcare center of the City of Helsinki, opening>>>

Nordic Smart Cities interview: Smart Kalasatama

Nordic Smart Cities is the leading smart cities event in the Nordics. This year, the event dived into theme Sustainable, Innovative, Connected & Together – the City 2.0. “In Kalasatama district or even elsewhere in Helsinki we are not building only one smart city platform. Rather we are experimenting with different kind of service solutions and hoping to understand which ones will apply for the future. In the district the biggest technological platform that is planned and already implemented in some parts is the smart energy system which is built on top of the district heating and cooling,” says Veera Mustonen, the Head>>>