The agile pilots now running in Kalasatama are related to smart mobility services, effective waste management, reducing food waste and co-creating local services. All of the selected pilots are already in prototype phase, the services will now be tested in real life environment.
The selection criteria emphasized innovativeness, user-involvement and potential to generate new business. All selected pilots utilize digital technology and will be executed by a consortium of businesses and other partners. The pilots were chosen among 52 offers.
Foller reduces food waste
Foller reduces food waste with automated real-time pricing and communication. In the spring 2016, the service is tested with households in Kalasatama. Foller’s application reminds residents about products reaching their expiry date. Service encourages different ways to use expiring food and thus has an effect on the food consumption of the whole family. “We are testing the usability and functionalities of Foller service. In addition, we examine how much money could be saved by more efficient use of food in households, and does our service actually have the ability to reduce the amount of waste – not only at home but in the whole area of Kalasatama. This information and the results of the pilot are directly utilized when developing the service and our business further,”says Tomi Kankainen, the founder of Foller.
Read more about the pilot:
Picture: Linda Manner
Nifty Neighbour: Locally best
Nifty Neighbour is a social media for neighbourhoods, reaching already 2500 users around Finland, especially in Helsinki. By executing a pilot in the Programme for Agile Piloting, Nifty Neighbour learn more about how it can help residents of Kalasatama to generate and test ideas locally and to enable those ideas by crowdfunding. A new website for supporting local initiatives called will be closely linked with Nifty Neighbour, to help execute crowdsourcing ideas. In Kalasatama, locally generated ideas can be crowdfunded on services Kalasatama page. This combination is unique and the aim is to provide local services that respond to the actual needs and desires of the residents. “It’s interesting to see if people are actually ready to collaboratively innovate, execute and fund bottom-up services and activities in their own neighbourhood. This is the first time that crowdfunding is tested as the main tool of developing the local economy,”says Tanja Jänicke from Yhteismaa.
Read more about the pilot:
Tuup combines mobility services
Tuup brings different mobility services into one application: parking, public transportation, taxis, rental cars and bicycles. In Kalasatama, Tuup is testing how to impact mobility choices and increase the use of shared vehicles. The pilot enhances especially the use of rental and shared cars and cargo transport services. Around twenty residents in Kalasatama are taking part in the experiment. They all will have access to Tuup smart mobile application, to plan and pay their everyday transportation.
Read more about the pilot:
Smart trash bins
As part of the Programme for Agile Piloting, the housing companies of Kalasatama are seeking new insight of the use of smart trash bins and their data. The pilot explores how the collected data could be used when making the neighbourhood more enjoyable. It is also testing a feedback system allowing residents with smartphones to give instant feedback about the condition of trash bins and outdoor furniture.
Picture: Linda Manner