Ovum’s 5th Annual Smart to Future Cities and Urban IoT 2016 Summit

26 April 2016 09:00 – 27 April 2016 in London Successfully marrying the social & environmental vision with the latest technology solutions, Smart to Future Cities, Europe’s only city-centric event guarantees face to face time with the entire smart city decision making unit. The event brings together under one roof 350+ representatives from the whole smart city eco-system. Head of Smart Kalasatama, Veera Mustonen, attended the event and gave a presentation: Case Smart Kalasatama: Creating a Smart City district innovation platform Beyond smart grid: Creating smart city solutions for resource-wise smart living Engaging stakeholders to co-create smart city pilots Website: https://smarttofuture.com/

Smart Kalasatama’s Programme for Agile Piloting: Looking for innovative local services

Smart Kalasatama’s Programme for Agile Piloting promotes new urban services and business development. For citizens, it offers genuine service experiences and opportunity to participate in the development of future solutions. Now the Programme for  Agile Piloting is looking for innovative local services that enhance the wellbeing of citizens and support the social and health services of the City of Helsinki. The deadline for offers is 30 April 2016.

Agile pilots now running in Kalasatama

The agile pilots now running in Kalasatama are related to smart mobility services, effective waste management, reducing food waste and co-creating local services. All of the selected pilots are already in prototype phase, the services will now be tested in real life environment. The selection criteria emphasized innovativeness, user-involvement and potential to generate new business. All selected pilots utilize digital technology and will be executed by a consortium of businesses and other partners. The pilots were chosen among 52 offers.

Smart city sustainability targets for Kalasatama

As part of the Climate-KIC’s Pioneers into Practice programme, Réka Tóth worked one month at Forum Virium Helsinki as part of the Smart Kalasatama team. Her assignment was to analyse existing smart city indexes and create smart city sustainability targets for Sompasaari area in Kalasatama.