How Agile Pilots help developing urban services – KuntoKaverit and Auntie brought wellbeing for Kalasatama

During fall 2016 Smart Kalasatama’s agile pilots developed new smart local services for citizens with the residents in Kalasatama. The Programme for Agile Piloting helps to accelerate new concepts into service innovations and new business. The first round of pilots ran during spring 2016. The second round of agile pilots focused on innovative local wellbeing services and was run in collaboration with the City of Helsinki Department of Social Services and Healthcare. The collaboration is especially relevant for the development of the services in the district of Kalasatama, as the new wellbeing and healthcare center of the City of Helsinki, opening>>>

Nordic Smart Cities interview: Smart Kalasatama

Nordic Smart Cities is the leading smart cities event in the Nordics. This year, the event dived into theme Sustainable, Innovative, Connected & Together – the City 2.0. “In Kalasatama district or even elsewhere in Helsinki we are not building only one smart city platform. Rather we are experimenting with different kind of service solutions and hoping to understand which ones will apply for the future. In the district the biggest technological platform that is planned and already implemented in some parts is the smart energy system which is built on top of the district heating and cooling,” says Veera Mustonen, the Head>>>

Helsinki ICT programme 2015-2017: Users engaged in the digital service development

The City of Helsinki ICT programme aims to make the most of information technology to aid citizens and city development. The ICT programme focuses on several themes, among which are open city development, open innovation, open data and open source code. It states, for example: Developers will be offered open innovation platforms, new open data interfaces and developer community meet-ups (e.g. Smart Kalasatama, Helsinki Region Infoshare, 6Aika Open Data spearhead project, Helsinki Loves Developers activities). Information about city services and decision making will be made more accessible to everyone online. The transparency of city operations will be enhanced by improving the>>>

Kalasatama becomes the Smart City district of Helsinki

In autumn 2013, Helsinki launched the Smart Kalasatama project, which aims to make Kalasatama a model district for intelligent city development – Helsinki’s very own Smart City district. The area is being developed flexibly and through piloting, in close co-operation with residents, companies, city officials and other stakeholders. 

Smart Kalasatama: License to test

The key actors of the Fiksu Kalasatama (Smart Kalasatama) project and all those interested in the project met on 11 December 2014 at a seminar to review the project and developments so far. The seminar gathered more than 100 participants. Smart Kalasatama is a City of Helsinki project managed by Forum Virium Helsinki. The project was launched in September 2013 and has now reached the completion of Stage One, which has defined the key approaches and formal structures for the development of Smart Kalasatama. Positive feedback from residents The 11 December seminar presented both ideas for future development and projects>>>