Smart Kalasatama’s Programme for Agile Piloting: Looking for innovative local services

Smart Kalasatama’s Programme for Agile Piloting promotes new urban services and business development. For citizens, it offers genuine service experiences and opportunity to participate in the development of future solutions. Now the Programme for  Agile Piloting is looking for innovative local services that enhance the wellbeing of citizens and support the social and health services of the City of Helsinki. The deadline for offers is 30 April 2016.

The Programme for Agile Piloting brings innovative services to the use of citizens. The programme is buying small pilots max. 8000 euros. Solutions will be developed and tested with the residents of Kalasatama. Currently, the programme is looking for new local services that support the social, health and wellbeing services of the City of Helsinki and help residents in their everyday life.

Kalasataman terveys- ja hyvinvointikeskus“The offered solutions should improve for example the accessibility and coverage of different services, or expand current service offering. A health and wellbeing centre will be opened to Kalasatama in 2018. The centre’s premises and service offering are currently under development. We hope to learn during this process how new agile services could be developed for the health and wellbeing centre of the future”, says Medical Director Lars Rosengren from the City of Helsinki Department of Social Services and Health Care.

The programme is looking for solutions which answer especially to the needs of two different target groups: clients with a need of considerable amount of services, and those who need services quite rarely, but in acute situations, which in turn calls for fast and fluent services.

The round for pilots is run in collaboration with the City of Helsinki Department of Social Services and Health Care. The deadline for offers is 30 April 2016. Selected pilots will be carried out in Kalasatama district during autumn 2016.

>> More information and form for offers


New business opportunities and knowledge for companies


Programme for Agile Piloting aims to accelerate new concepts into service prototypes and new business. Solutions are tested in real life setting. The pilots will be carried out fast, under six months, and the aim is to learn by practice.

“We want to make it easier for companies to learn and get experience. Through experiments, the companies have the opportunity to gather genuine user experiences already from the early stages of the development and use it in their service development”, says Veera Mustonen, Head of Smart Kalasatama from Forum Virium Helsinki.

In the ongoing round for offers helps the Department of Social Services and Health Care to find new ways to do closer cooperation with companies.

“Helsinki aims for fluent service experience. In the area of well-being, this is something that can very well be achieved by utilizing innovative services from external service providers”, says Lars Rosengren.

The first four pilots run in Kalasatama during spring 2016. They are related to smart mobility services, effective waste management, reducing food waste and co-creating local services. User experience and feedback has already been gathered from the residents and housing companies.

Smart Kalasatama’s Programme for Agile Piloting buys small pilots (1000-8000 euros) that provide new innovative services for people living in Kalasatama. The first four innovations are piloted in Kalasatama during this spring. New round for offers looks for innovative local services for health and wellbeing to be run in Kalasatama during autumn 2016.


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