OpenLivingLab Days: Workshop, research and case study

OpenLivingLab Days is the annual summit of the worldwide Living Lab community. The conference is organised from the 25th to the 28th of August 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey. Smart Kalasatama team will participate actively in the programme. We will organise a workshop titled Co-creating alternative smart city roadmaps in Living Labs, and present our research Smart City Living Lab – city as a place, and case study describing Smart Kalasatama vision-building process. Join us in Istanbul!

Co-creating alternative smart city roadmaps in Living Labs

On the day 3 of the OpenLivingLab Days, 27th of August at 11h30, we will organise a workshop offering a hands-on simulation experience of creating a smart city roadmap in multi stakeholder groups. The aim is to discuss how different stakeholders can be involved in the creation urban services. We also explore how can we make the development of smart cities more collaborative by using a range of living lab methods.

In a smart city living lab, we have faced the need to concretize the smart city solutions to a variety of stakeholders. We’ve designed a Smart City Inspiration Card set which can be used for co-creating and evaluating alternative smart city roadmaps.

Jussi Hellsten

Picture: Jussi Hellsten, The City of Helsinki media bank

In the workshop, these cards will be used to facilitate co-creation between the residents, citizens, companies, service developers as well as city planning professionals. Working with the cards, we let the participants build smart city roadmaps from different perspectives. Participants are assigned to different stakeholder roles to negotiate what kind of smart city initiatives should be developed in their town. The workshop allows people to share their experiences in a fun, visual and engaging manner. In the workshop we discuss how different participatory structures affect the routes towards a smart city.

The workshop is facilitated by our team Veera Mustonen, Maija Bergström and Kaisa Spilling from Forum Virium Helsinki.

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Research Papers: Smart City Living Lab – city as a place

On the day one of the conference, 25th of August at 10am, Maija Bergström will be presenting his academic findings diving into “Smart City Living Lab – city as a place”. Maija currently works as the Programme Coordinator of Smart Kalasatama, growing Helsinki’s Kalasatama area into a worldclass model district of smart urban development.

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Creating a Smart City Vision in a Living Lab – Case Study of Smart Kalasatama Vision-building Process

On 25th of August at 14h30, Veera Mustonen presents a case study about Smart Kalasatama’s vision-building process. The vision, one hour more a day, was formulated together with residents, companies and city of Helsinki, people living and working in the area. At Forum Virium Helsinki, Veera has been running the Smart Kalasatama project since 2013.

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OpenLivingLab Days in Istanbul

The workshop and presentation are part of the OpenLivingLab Days, organised from the 25th to the 28th of August 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey. OpenLivingLab Days is the annual summit of the worldwide Living Lab community. The 4-day conference is is organised by the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) and hosted by Basaksehir Living Lab. See the whole programme here.

The four-day OpenLivingLab Days includes interactive sessions, workshops, lively discussion panels with excursions and off-site visits with the aim of giving the participants a wider insight about models, theories and technologies related to Living Labs.

Participants have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience from the leading experts on the subject and to network with other Living Lab enthusiasts. Also, ENoLL will welcome the 9th Wave of new members.

OpenLivingLab Days from European Network of Living Labs on Vimeo.

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