Towards closer co-operation between Nordic Sustainable City Labs

On the 27 January 2017, Smart Kalasatama participated the pitching session of the Nordic Ideation Day. The event brought altogether 22 project ideas competing for Nordic Climate-KIC funding for their innovative ideas.

For Smart Kalasatama and its partner network the day was a success, leading into grant of 15.000€ for the Nordic Network of Sustainable City Labs.

The grant is used for preparing demonstrator proposal. The new project seeks to laying   foundations for public-private partnership on a cross-Nordic level for cutting-edge climate and urban innovations. The objective is to identify and apply new and viable business models for sustainable city innovation labs, and to accelerate cross-Nordic co-creation and transfer of the best solutions.

Altogether 17 projects were awarded with the money, ranging from 5.000€–15.000€.

Assessment of project ideas was based on the following:

  • Cross community collaboration in project team
  • Feasibility of implementation
  • Potential climate impact
  • Demand identification
  • Quality and relevance of idea

The Nordic Network of Sustainable City Labs proposal includes five partners from Helsinki, Gothenburg, Trondheim, Copenhagen and Albertslund.


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